In 1608 this legend originated. You are probably wondering what he did to earn the name "The Furz Man".  Well throughout his childhood, it was rumored that he got bullied for extreme dietary issues and he was lactose a tolerate. During class he would make these absurd noises and farts. As he grew up this name was carried with him, he was a disappointment to his family and kicked out at 16. And that's when our Furz man becomes the villain. He started drinking raw milk, and eating so much dairy, then as revenge... he farted on his bullies. Very disturbing. He always smelled rancid, putrid even. Eventually he was rumored to be a witch for is unique farting issues. He wasn't going down without a fight, he cursed the whole village to smell his farts forever on May 22nd, 1621. Then he ran to the Caves, and it says to this day he haunts them. Especially the caved he did most his work in. It was said that he owned an even owned a cow so he didn't have to keep stealing the villages milk. He left poops outside people's homes, that's where that prank came from... Even though me and my team did so much research we cannot find out why he kept betraying his people and harassing them. We will come back with updates on the Furz Man!!!!